CEOs, Founders, and Business Owners

of small and midsize businesses with $5M - $500M in revenues

Create an Unfair Advantage in your Business and Leadership with a Winning Strategy

Design and execute a clear, actionable, breakthrough strategy in as little as 24 hours that drives growth, boosts financial performance, and enables you to lead with laser-focused clarity even in challenging times.

(All without the overwhelm of old-school methods.)

Enquire about Strategy Advisory

Succeed today. Shape tomorrow. Stay relevant.

As a CEO, business owner, or leader, you have big ambitions.

You want to make your organization wildly successful. 

You want to build a prosperous business – a business that’s profitable, innovative, and a great place to work. A business that survives and thrives – even during challenging times.


But…The economic environment, external pressures, and internal troubles are making that increasingly difficult.

 Inflation. Recession. Costs are rising. Customer behavior is changing. Lack of internal collaboration. Silos. Diverging agendas. Conflicting priorities. An uncommitted team. Lack of clear direction.

All these challenges and uncertainty about the future leave you wondering what to do and how to react.

The uncertainty about the future leaves you wondering what to do and how to react.

What you want is stability: security in the face of global challenges, clarity and confidence in your strategic leadership, and to be able to grow despite all the challenges, but in the back of your mind, you’re worried about making bad decisions, you certainly don’t want to make any risky moves that screw it all up.

Here’s the reality: A winning strategy is the only way out of the confusion.

One that helps you stand out from competition and be profitable despite any challenges.

But I‘m not talking about long lists of initiatives, financial forecasts, 100s of slides, or any other old-school strategic planning stuff that never seems to get implemented.

I’m talking about a far simpler approach that actually provides you the clarity you crave.

The cold, hard truth is that most CEOs and Business Owners don’t have a clear structure for thinking about strategy that unlocks breakthrough ideas, nor a systematic process for designing, executing, reviewing, and updating their strategy with market trends, changing customer behaviors, and challenging environments.

And maybe that’s you, too.  

You know you need a better strategy but don’t know where to start.

You know you need more clarity and confidence in your leadership but currently feel overwhelmed and stuck.

You know you need to align your team in a common direction and focus your organization on the top priorities that will really move the business forward, but currently, it seems to be all talk and good intentions with little action and none of the game-changing results you yearn for. 


Now, you might be thinking – “We tried creating a strategy in the past, and I’m frustrated at the lack of results.”

Maybe you feel strategy is:

  • Too complicated
  • It takes too much time and effort (and we don’t have that time, the resources, and maybe we don’t even have the skills required) 
  • It won’t get implemented anyhow, so what’s the point?
  • What if it doesn’t make any difference or have an impact?
  • Our business is too dynamic, and too unpredictable for one key strategy
  • Strategy is only for the big corporates and not for our small or medium company

This may be true if you approach strategy the traditional, old-school way. 

But the old-school way is NOT what will shift the needle in recessionary times.

Maybe you're thinking, "We've got a strategy." Well, I'd like to challenge you on that. A lot of what companies call "strategy," is not really good strategy. Book a free strategy session, and let's review your strategy together.

What if you could have a clear, actionable, winning strategy that allowed you to get results like these...

Results my clients have achieved when following The Strategy Launchpad™ System

New Growth

Increased revenues by up to 50% within 12 months.

Improved Bottom Line

Up to 50% increase in profitability within 12 months.

Boost in Customer Satisfaction

Up to 40%-points improvement in customer advocacy.

Increase Speed of Execution

55% acceleration in time-to-market.

More Engaged Employees

Up to 30% boost in employee engagement.


Focus and commit your team to a common direction.


Align your organization on what matters to move the needle.

Clarity + Confidence

Turn confusion and overwhelm into clear and confident strategic leadership.


The Strategy Launchpad System

Finally, the answer to creating your breakthrough strategy in as little as 24 hours so you can drive growth, boost financial performance and lead with laser-focused clarity even in challenging times. 

Without spending time you don’t have on analysis and planning, taking too many resources away from the day-to-day business, OR wasting your money.

The  Strategy Launchpad™ enables you to move fast and with precision in a time where the one surefire way to risk sales stalling or dropping is to stand still and do nothing.

You’ll walk away with a strategy that equips you to:

  • Innovate and solve the challenges that keep you from reaching your ambitions
  • Lead with unparalleled clarity and confidence in a way that inspires action
  • Align your team to a common direction that they’re excited to execute
  • Focus your people on what really matters
  • Fuel growth vs. “hold the fort”
  • Boost financial performance substantially (instead of just a little cost-cutting in the short term)
  • Build a stable business that succeeds for years to come

And all in as little as 24 hours of work!

Because let’s face it: you can’t afford to waste any time right now.

If we haven't met...

I'm Dr. Marc Sniukas

I’m a leading strategy advisor helping CEOs and business owners design and execute winning strategies in a smart and fresh way so that they lead with clarity and confidence and achieve profitable results, even in times of uncertainty and turbulence.

Over the past 20+ years, I’ve helped CEOs, senior leaders, and executive teams of companies such as Accenture, ArcelorMittal, BMW, DeBeers, HP, HSBC, Lufthansa, McDonald’s, RTL, and ZF to create strategies that double their revenue and profits, drive innovation that sets them apart from their competition, and create lasting transformation and increased performance. 

Today, I help CEOs and business owners of small and medium-sized businesses create a refreshingly simple approach to strategy that leads to powerful results even during challenging times. Fast, without months of analysis and planning, and taking too much time and resources away from daily business. And without the pains of the traditional, old-school approaches.

All by using my unique, proven approach, which I’ve developed and fine-tuned over the years: The Strategy Launchpad.

Marc Sniukas Grey

Why The Strategy Launchpad is like nothing else out there 

Practical AND Rigorous

No superficial or shallow advice leaving you scratching your head (or rolling your eyes).


It’s a co-created approach tailored specifically to your ambitions, challenges, situation, and needs.

Building Capabilities

The best part is you’ll learn how it works first-hand and build the skills and capabilities to create winning strategies time and time again in the future.


I’ll show you how to bring your team on board to own the strategy (making implementation that much easier).


Together, we’ll install your custom-fit, strategic management system, equipping you to execute the new strategy, track progress, manage results, and update if and when needed.


You can have a clear, actionable, winning strategy in 24 hours (or less) of work.

We do this together!

Here's what you get when working with me

  • We’ll agree on a timeline for regular meetings that fits your schedule, for example, once a week or every two weeks.
  • During our joint online sessions, we‘ll work through all the stages of designing and executing a better strategy for your organization.
  • I’ll take you through the process step-by-step, and you'll get personalized advice and guidance.
  • No more guessing what methodology to follow or what tool to use.
  • Instead, you'll have a clear path to follow, guaranteed to produce results quickly.
  • You'll have a first draft of your new strategy in 24 hours of work.
  • Sessions are 1-on-1 or with your executive team, online.
  • Hands-on accountability, direction, and guidance to help you craft your strategy, put it into action right away and fast-track your results.
  • Once your strategy has been developed, I’ll support you during the initial stages of the implementation.
  • We’ll devise a plan to activate your strategy and review your progress together.
  • I’ll support you in building up your strategic management system so that you can track progress and review and update your strategy if and when necessary.
  • Unlimited async support: I’m available via email and text messages if you have any questions or need support between sessions. You don’t need to wait a week to get an answer. Whenever there’s an emergency, I’m here to help. You‘ll have a strategy advisor, mentor, coach, and thought partner in your pocket!
  • Access to an online toolbox: All tools will be available online; they can be downloaded and are yours to keep even after the program.
  • Access to all my paid events, webinars, and programs: You get unlimited access to all events, workshops, training programs, and so on (including my Art of Opportunity online masterclass to create new growth through strategic innovation) for a total of 12 months.
  • Coaching on related topics, e.g., innovation, transformation, leadership,...everything needed to upgrade your and your team's strategic leadership capabilities, and build a better business.

My Guarantee

You’ll pay one fixed fee for the strategy package, and I’ll continue supporting you until you have a winning strategy – no hidden costs! 

Are you ready for your clear, actionable, winning, recession-proof strategy?

Let's get to know each other and discuss how I can help you achieve your ambitions!