Three Steps to Better Strategy

A practical guide on how to design and execute better strategies.

In this free guide you will learn how to reboot your strategy with the Strategy Launchpad and go from feeling stuck, frustrated by the lack of progress and results, and overwhelmed by all the priorities, to getting tangible results by solving your most pressing challenges and seizing your highest-value opportunities.

What you'll find inside:

  • The 7 features of better strategy
  • How to develop better strategy
  • The 3 stages of the Strategy Launchpad
  • How to understand what's going on in your organization
  • How to make sense of what's happening in your market
  • How to evaluate your current strategy
  • Key questions to ask yourself when designing a new strategy
  • How to put your strategy into action
Download your free copy here

Confront the Brutal Facts — Is your Strategy Really Working?

Confront the Brutal Facts — Is your Strategy Really Working?

When you start thinking about your strategy, you first need to honestly evaluate what is going on, both inside your organization and in the market....

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How to Establish a Sound Strategy Process

How to Establish a Sound Strategy Process

The importance of strategy today. Strategy is now more critical than ever. In turbulent times the seduction to keep on doing what you're doing,...

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Reshaping Strategy

Reshaping Strategy

Reshaping Strategy A review and synthesis of the academic and managerial literature on strategic innovation. Strategy as practiced by companies today...

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